Oral Health Whole Body Health
Each part of your body is connected to your overall health, and your mouth isn’t any different! Your teeth and gums are just as important as the organs in the rest of your body. Here are a few common questions that people have when it comes to their oral health:
Q: How is my mouth connected to my overall health?
A: Healthy teeth and gums are extremely important in oral and whole body health. Your saliva is as well! Have you ever wondered why an oral swab can tell you so much about your genetic history and current health? Your mouth can tell you so much, and affect other areas throughout your entire body. Because of this, you should always keep your teeth and gums happy and healthy.
Q: Can plaque cause infections and diseases?
A: Gum disease is common among many diseases, such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Chronic gum disease can mess with a person’s insulin resistance, making diabetes even more difficult to control. As for heart disease, certain bacteria in the mouth may result in artery inflammation or plaque. This may increase your risk of a stroke or heart attack. Premature births have also been linked to gum disease and other oral infections.
Q: Is flossing really necessary?
A: Absolutely! Flossing regularly can greatly reduce your chances of gum disease. Bacteria can settle in between your teeth and if it’s left to sit there, it can irritate the area. Flossing gently removes any bacteria or food particles that may have lodged in the small spaces.
How to Protect Your Oral Health
Now that you know just how much your oral health can impact your overall health, you should be ready to do everything you can to protect your mouth. Here are a few things that you can do in order to maintain optimal oral health, and aid in your whole body health as well.
Brush your teeth often. This may be a no-brainer – but be sure to brush at least twice a day with fluoride toothpaste.
Floss daily. Flossing reduces the risk of plaque and bacteria buildup in between teeth and other hard to reach areas.
Eat a healthy diet. Meals and snacks with a high sugar or acid content can wear away at your enamel over time.
Replace your toothbrush every three to four months. In some cases, do this sooner if the bristles are frayed.
Avoid tobacco use. There are no benefits to smoking or chewing tobacco. It’s terrible for your overall health and can cause gum disease and tooth decay.
Schedule regular dental checkups and cleanings. If you notice any strange feelings in your mouth, it may be due to an oral malady. Contact your dentist immediately.
Don’t wait until it’s too late. If you suspect that you have cavities or any other oral issues, schedule a dental exam immediately. Dental cleanings and checkups should occur at least twice a year and can help to diagnose problems early on before they have a chance to escalate.
Remember, a healthy mouth is also healthy for your whole body. Call BRAIDC to schedule your cleaning today!