Oral Health Concerns For Seniors

Oral Health Concerns for Seniors

As we age, our bodies change! The same goes for your oral health. Depending on your age, you may notice the following oral health concerns for seniors:

Darker teeth.

After years of consuming stain-causing food and drinks as well as thinning enamel over time, your teeth may appear darker.

Dry mouth.

Certain medications or conditions can decrease saliva production which increases your risk for cavities.

Gum disease.

Plaque buildup, diseases, tobacco use, ill-fitting dentures and dental restorations, all play a factor in developing gum disease. Prevention and early treatment are key, so be sure to keep up with your dental cleanings to keep gum disease under control.

Tooth loss.

Tooth loss is also common as we age. Gum disease is a major cause of tooth loss in senior patients.

Uneven bite.

Losing teeth, if not properly treated, can cause other teeth to shift and move around in your mouth. Be sure to let your dentist know if you have any loose teeth or you notice that some have shifted.


Poorly fitted dentures can result in a buildup of fungus in the mouth, causing inflammation of the tissue in your mouth. Be sure to have your mouth and dentures checked at least annually by a dental professional!

Changes are expected as we age. If you are experiencing any of these changes, give your dentist a call! Teeth whitening, dry mouth management, decay risk management, gum disease treatment and management, tooth replacement even fixing an uneven bite. Your dentist has solutions for all your oral health concerns for seniors.

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