Dental Radiograph ("X-Ray") Record Policy Dental radiographs provide essential clinical information such as decay between teeth and bone loss that cannot be seen with the naked eye. Although we cannot make decisions solely based on your radiographs, it is required for your dentist to have up-to-date information in order for them to properly diagnose and treat your dental needs. All patients in our office except emergency ones need to have an updated full mouth radiograph (“FMX”) or a clinical equivalent, for instance, a Panoramic (“Pano”) and four bitewings (“Bitewing”) on file. Emergency patients will only have necessary radiographs taken. Repeated refusal for dental radiographs will result in patient termination from the practice. According to generally accepted industrial guidelines, if a new patient has a FMX or Pano within the past five years or bitewings within the last year, we will accept them but additional radiographs may be needed depending on the provider's clinical judgment. Best efforts should be exercised by the patient to acquire these documentations and forward them to our office before their first appointment. We are glad to assist in the process. If radiographs are not received by the appointment time, the office will either take all required x-rays during the visit or postpone your visit until all prior dental records are available to the dentist. Your Name (required) Your Date of Birth (required) I Understand and Agree (required)