Fluoride and Your Dental Health

Here at Beverly Restorative and Implant Dentistry Center, we provide frequent and thorough cavity assessments as part of our dental cleaning and exam visit. For children and those who are at high risk for cavities, it’s important to have nutritional counseling and proper home care/brushing and flossing techniques. Addressing these areas of your dental health may only slow the rate of decay and not prevent further dental decay. However, a naturally occurring element, fluoride can strengthen the teeth and, in some instances, reverse early decay.

What is Fluoride?

Fluoride is a naturally occurring mineral and enters the water from surrounding rocks. It is found in almost all bodies of water.

How Does It Work?

Fluoride is chemically incorporated into the tooth, keeping it strong and creating a more resistant barrier against acid and disease-causing organisms such as mutans streptococci, the nefarious bacteria that cause cavities.

In children, the adult teeth are still forming and are hidden under the gums. Children living in communities with fluoridated drinking water develop stronger teeth. According to the Center for Disease Control, community fluoridated drinking water is one of the top ten public health achievements in the 20th century.

Is Fluoride Safe?

Yes! Fluoride is safe for both children and adults. For over 70 years, numerous studies have been conducted showing the beneficial aspects of an optimal level of fluoride in the water. While we don’t recommend eating toothpaste by the spoonful, but drinking fluoridated water, using a fluoridated toothpaste or gel, and receiving fluoride treatment at your dental office all benefit the health and longevity of your teeth.  

Cosmetic issues such as dental fluorosis can appear as white spots on the teeth however, these spots don’t affect your oral health. To address the potential for over-fluoridation, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and the Environmental Protection Agency proposed changes in the recommended amounts of fluoride in public water supplies—lowering the level. Talk to your dentist to make sure you and your family are receiving the right amount for your optimal oral health.


Call BRAIDC today to book an appointment and make sure you’re getting enough fluoride to protect your teeth from decay! 

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